

前端工程师 | Trying To Do Better

Issue 7 - Happy New Year


The cover image is from Li Ronghao's performance of a Christmas song at the Macau concert on the 25th. One is my favorite singer, the other is my favorite song, a perfect match.

Tracing the Heart's Footprints means that the footprints of the soul flow with the shadows, recording, tracing, and reflecting on one's inner world. At the same time, interesting information seen during the week is recommended.

It's the last day of 2023, and also the last weekly of the year. This article will summarize the journey of 2023.

Trying To Do Better#

Trying To Do Better can be said to have run through my 2023. This phrase is from the movie "Spider-Man: No Way Home" when the alternate Spider-Man meets Doctor Octopus in the multiverse. The doctor says, "You're all grown up, how are you?" and Parker responds with the same answer as when they first met: "Trying to do better."


There's no need to compare with others, as it will only increase anxiety. Just strive to make a little progress compared to yesterday. People often underestimate the gradual accumulation within a day.


There has been some progress in front-end technology this year. I have become proficient in Next.js and have developed several applications using it.


At the beginning of the year, ChatGPT was very popular, and everyone was discussing and using it. Since the web version of chatgpt at that time did not provide a comprehensive user experience, many applications from other platforms appeared. I also joined this trend and developed a Next.js and Firebase-based chatgpt application called chatgpt-nextjs.

This was my first open-source technical project, and it has received 65 stars as of today. Personally, I think it's not bad, although I eventually abandoned this project due to technology selection issues. Storing data in Firebase raised concerns about data security and usage issues for users in mainland China. However, during this period, I did learn a lot and solve some problems. I also helped foreign developers solve some project issues on Twitter and received positive feedback.


Later, I developed power-chatgpt. With the previous accumulation, the development went smoothly and most of the basic functions were usable. Although it didn't receive as many stars as the previous project, at least I have been using it.


This is a cover image creation tool. When I was using the xLog blogging platform, I wanted a more convenient way to add cover images, so I developed this application. It's good to learn some technology this way. I also received praise from DIYgod, the owner of the xLog platform, which satisfied my vanity to some extent.


Later, due to work and personal matters, I didn't have enough time to continue iterating or developing new projects. In the new year, I hope to continue the previous projects (I'm already preparing to develop a new project, which will be released during the Chinese New Year period next year).


People are always in the process of exploring or planning to explore. This year, I tried three blogging platforms: Hashnode, xLog, and my self-built platform YoungLe. In November, I finally made a decision and started using xLog for writing technical blogs and Tracing the Heart's Footprints ( for recording weeklies. This is already the seventh issue, and there hasn't been a hiatus, and each issue is not just for the sake of quantity.

You can check out all the content on my personal homepage 👋



This year, I went to Shanxi for two days in the middle of the year to experience the special forces style. It was okay, but I wasn't used to the food. There wasn't anything delicious. I visited Pingyao Ancient City, Jin Shrine, and Shanxi History Museum (as a person from Shaanxi, I went to Shanxi first before going to Shaanxi History Museum).



This year, I attended two concerts at the Olympic Sports Center, Li Ronghao's and Mayday's. I really like Li Ronghao, and you can find out how much I like him from the next section 😄. As a casual fan of Mayday, besides a few familiar songs, I didn't have much of a connection with the other songs, and they didn't successfully recommend any songs to me.



I switched to Spotify for music this year, and it's definitely much cleaner than domestic music apps in terms of interface. Mainly, I installed QQ Music or NetEase Cloud Music on the BYD car's infotainment system, and they were so slow and took more than ten seconds to open. They were too bloated. After switching to Spotify, I can open and listen to music within 5 seconds, and the user experience is excellent.



Didn't play many games 🎮



This year, I bought a NAS, the Z2 Pro from TerraMaster. I mainly wanted to store photos and watch videos. After doing a lot of research, I chose TerraMaster because the built-in apps, TerraMaster Video and TerraMaster Gallery, perfectly matched my needs. The Pro version also comes with Docker, which adds some playability.




I read ten books this year, but I only finished reading "Thinking about Xiaomi's Entrepreneurship" by Lei Jun. I didn't develop a habit of reading. In 2024, I will set a goal to read at least twelve books.

I didn't keep track of movies and TV shows, but I did have a Netflix membership. I didn't watch much, but I used TerraMaster Video to watch the first and second episodes of Loki, which were really good.

Throughout the year, I didn't miss any videos from my favorite video bloggers: 某天的游戏小屋 (Bilibili), BigEarsTV - YouTube, and the podcast "DaXiaoMa Talks Tech."


I only wrote four technical blog posts, which is a bit few. Next year, I will strive to write more, as long as they are not shallow articles.


I wrote 7 weeklies, and next year, I will try to write one every week.


2024 Plans#

In mid-December, I made my 2024 plans and have already started implementing them. I will review the completion rate of these six goals at the end of next year.

🐰 -> 🐲

It's already 11 o'clock, and in an hour, 2023 will become the past. I wish myself to continue Trying To Do Better in 2024.

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